четвртак, 28. јануар 2016.

CON #1: Low life standard

Serbs generally compalin about the quality of life here and they have a good reason for doing so. When you compare serbian life standard to standard of all other european countries, I am sorry to say this, but we are really in the bottom. Also, if you compare Serbia to most of ex-Yugoslav countries (Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Macedonia) things aren't looking any better either. I use to say that we aren't any different than other countries in Europe in terms of resources and land, but that the problem lies in the people who are leading this country. But lets not get too political, shall we?

Income comes always first to mind, when discussing life standard. Money has become such an important part of today's society that almost every aspect of our life is controlled by it. The amount of money we earn affects the way we live, think, behave and most important, they way we feel. I'm guessing that's why older Serbs are so negative and passive most of the time. But about that, later.

Now lets see, the average serbian salary is around 200 euros (if you're lucky you'll have up to 400 euros, but anyway, that still wouldn't be enough to make a proper living here). Keep in mind, that there are people who earn even less than 200 euros. The biggest problem is that salaries and prices aren't coordinated the least bit. When it comes to prices here, they rarely make sense. Some products even cost more than in Austria or Germany. How is that even possible?

Every dinar counts... (dinar = serbian currency)
On top of all that, every month prices slowly go higher and higher and those are always the prices of the most important and basic groceries, such as bread, flour, sugar and other needfull things (at least needfull to most people) like gas, electricity, cigarettes, etc. While salaries, of course are staying the same. This leads to a situation where you spend all of the money just to satisfy the basic needs and pay for the flat and other bills and thus cannot or rarely can afford to actually enjoy life a little and spend some money on yourself. Most of our parents usually had to sacrifice a lot so we could have a decent schooling, medical care, etc. because those things aren't for free. And while working nonstop in order to secure us a decent future, they are left wth almost no free time for themselves and their needs. I think that's what defines a low life standard.

On the other hand, tourists from other countries seem to really enjoy their time here and it's quite understandable why. To them, everything here seems so hilariously cheap. But the situation here is a harsh reality for someone who earns just 200 euros a month.

Needles to say, a lot of people are unemployed or live on the border of poverty and the government seems not to care at all. Well, in the end they are the ones who prosper from all this. It seems like everybody are trying to rob and rip you off somehow, and it is accepted as common behaviour. Like people have come to terms that they live in this vicious cycle and just gave up. In poor countries like Serbia, money is of great value and if you have it, you can do pretty much anything (corruption).

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